What do you need to do in this business?

First is learning. You need to know the more as You can about your business. You will be rewarded for learning by the Learning Bonus.

Want to know more about Learning Bonus?

At second You need to build your GDI website. Oh, sorry, You did it, while you performed the Learning Bonus. :) OK, it was easy, wasn't it? :)

The next step is to setup your GDI email. Oh! Sorry again, You did it. The Learning Bonus is great! :)

The fourth step is inviting Your friends from the members area with the . . . OK, its done by the... What do you think? Yes, You're right! The Learning Bonus! What is this bonus? The magical fairy?

No, You did it!

OK, lets see, what did You do by the Learning Bonus:

create your website
make your email
Send at least 5 Invites using GDI Inviters
send the documentations by email
send an email to the support with the link of your website
pay the first monthly fee
Directly refer 1 Converted (Signup went ACTIVE at End of Trial) Affiliate
Set Your Preferred Commission Method

Your business is almost ready! Now you can make leads by advertising, social media, blogging or any other ways except for spamming.

How do You feel after winning the Learning Bonus? What, You're out of the business yet? Why?

This is a 10$ decision! What do you think, its too much money? Want more for your money? OK!

Ever wonder if you're getting the most out of your GDI domain? With so many people online making money and connecting with more and more of their friends, have you stopped to think if you're taking the fullest advantage of what is available to you and your .WS domain? Well, we've got an answer for you: The Weekly Field Webinar from GDI!

If you wait for the right moment, You have to know something:

It will never come!

So don't hesitate, don't wait for a miracle, but also take responsibility for your future!

P.s. Please like, comment, but don't spam. Thank You for Your time!

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