The Make Money Online niche is a very lucrative one among the many niches on the Internet. Many there are who, believing they can make money from home on the Internet, have jumped into it without adequate preparation. For such people it is necessary to know, “Where and how they should actually start a business of their own on the Internet”

To be honest, there are a lot of business opportunities online and this makes it more overwhelming and confusing for the beginner. The beginner is better off starting cautiously. The following pieces of advice may well be taken to guide them. Many have been where today’s beginner currently is and therefore any piece of advice is well meant for them and laced with all the good intentions.

Overnight Riches: 
This is a terrible delusion but unfortunately that is where most beginners want to start from and they end up burning all their fingers. The beginner should first note that such schemes only make the program owners the millionaires at their expense.

Overnight riches are illusory. If you want to get good results, you must not only work hard, but you must also match it with working smart.

It is easy to fall for websites and/or ebooks promising you thousands of dollars for little or no work.

If one guru tells you he lazes at the beach while checks keep on piling at his PayPal account, you better read that carefully. It certainly will not be the total truth. The truth rather is that those who are actually successful have worked hard and smart and they continue to do so. What they paint is really the end picture, after having worked hard and smart.

Note well what happens in the real offline world where you have to employ all your skills and even keep on acquiring more every day to stay afloat. Furthermore, in the offline world,you have to work a number of ‘x’ hours to earn ‘y’ amount of dollars. In addition you have to to study the assigned job very well to earn your income. All these apply online in equal measure. Therefore to be able to survive online you need to know not only how to work hard but also smart.

To start working smart, you must first realize that those emails with trigger words like “amazing”, “shocking” “life changing” etc are really far from what they claim to be.

Having got that important realization, you must get the right Tools to start working smart in three steps:

•Install an Autoresponder

•Get messages ready in the Autoresponder

•Get Free “Give Aways” or Gifts ready”
With these basic tools, you can then start doing the right things beginning with:

Building Your Own In-House List. This is very important because both guru and newbie agree that, “The money is in the list”

In the course of building your list, let the following pieces of advice be your guiding principles.

Never Buy Email Addresses or “hits”

Use safelists cautiously in trying to build your list; you may find negative results in some cases.

Do not spam anybody’s inbox. The consequences are very damaging.

Start with one step at a time. Even if it is a small step it is a giant step forward all the same. This takes you nearer to your set goal. Simple actions in the right direction when added up leads you to where you want to be. Like Albert Einstein said, “Nothing happens until something moves”

Believe in possibilities because whatever you want to achieve in life is limited primarily by your own belief in what is possible. In other words your brain must be able to accept something as possible before you are allowed to have it.

Never give up because the summit of success can be reached if and only if we never give up.

Make sure you move out of your comfort zone and move out onto the path to success. If you start a project, that first project may not be perfect, but it is part of the learning curve. The only way you get the necessary experience is by doing.

Failure is not a taboo. It is the quickest way to know what works and what does not. Failure is just a stepping stone to success provided you learn from that failure.

It is important, therefore, that while we aim at working hard, we must realize that working smart is equally important and building a list is one of such smart techniques to achieve online success.

Then, for more techniques on working smart to achieve results through the use of the correct tools to build your own In-House List, it is important you download this List Building Cash Secrets

Article Source: Kpodo

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