All is Wall is the collection of great HD wallpapers & backgrounds of almost all the categories including 3D, Nature, Animals & Birds, Architecture, Bikes, Cars, Planes, Bollywood, Hollywood, Models, Cartoons, Christmas, Diwali, Happy New Year, Days, Games, Flowers, Beach, Love, Motivations, Travels and much many more.... All is Wall is the app that gives you the good looking & attractive wallpapers those delight your eyes. 


In All is Wall mobile app, we have found some funny ways to change the backgrounds of your desktop screen periodically on your signs.


        First of them is making a whistle sound. Quite interesting, isn’t it! Yes, you can change wallpaper by whistling against your device. Try it yourself and impress your friends.
        Another interesting way is changing the wallpapers by shaking your device. Just shake it & change it.

        It’s not over yet! You can change the wallpapers everyday , by selecting & setting wallpapers in the calendar. You can choose the backgrounds depending on the days like birthdays , anniversary , valentine’s day , friendship day & much many more…
        You can also command them to change automatically at a specific time period starting from 1 minute to 12 hours.


        But how will you get all these wallpapers into your device. Just get into the app, select appropriate category & choose your favorite images to download into your phone or tablet. From these downloaded images, you can select any number of images to add them into the queue which is a set of images those should be shown on your desktop.

        You can find the on/off options for all the background changing services in the settings page. And if you like our app, you can rate it at the app store & can like & follow on the different social platforms.

So, this is a beautiful app by WeeTech Solution to download and set backgrounds and wallpapers, no matter which device you use.



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