Removing stains can be a really tough job. It's because some of them leave marks that are extremely hard to remove, especially from fabrics and carpets. The stubbornness of a staining usually depends on the time it stayed on the area, so the sooner you notice it and react, the easier is to remove it.

Of course, some stains cannot be removed easily even when they're fresh. Therefore, here are some examples of stubborn stains and ideas how to remove them without causing any further damage to the stained area.


Grease stains are notorious for their stubbornness but do not let that intimidate you. Get ready for a battle and equip yourself with a toothbrush. Put some dishwashing detergent on the spot. Gently scrub the area with the toothbrush. If the stain is on your carpet, be very careful. Use circular motions and do not apply any pressure. Carpet fibers might be easily damaged by rubbing as it makes them come apart. Don't wash the detergent right away, leave it for 10 minutes in order to digest the stain and then rinse the area with hot water. Make sure you get rid of the excess moisture on carpets as it might cause mildew. Blot well and vacuum afterwards.

Tree Sap

If you are planning a hiking trip in Canada, you definitely need to know few tricks when it comes to tree sap stains. To remove a tree sap stain from fabric or carpet you can use rubbing alcohol. Pour some on the spot and rub it off gently. It is extremely effective. If you can also use hand sanitizer or even non toxic marker erasure pen.

Pet mess

Not the most pleasant way to spend the day. Take a deep breath, relax and roll up your sleeves. First of all, scrape everything that needs to be scraped from the floor / carpet with a spoon-shaped object. Blot the surface to prevent the stain from spreading. Paper towels will do. Don’t forget to get rid of the excess moisture. Do not rub. Cover the spot with more paper towels and weigh them down with a heavy object. If you have just found an old mark from pet mess, dampen the area without drowning it and blot until there are no yellow marks on the towels. The best option is to use an enzymatic pet mess cleaner as it digests pet mess. Do not forget to get rid of the residue smell because your furry friend might look for the same place again. Baking soda mixed with lavender oil is perfect for that. Cover the spot with it and leave it for two hours. Vacuum the area afterwards.

Some stains are quite stubborn and you risk ruining your carpet if you don’t stop trying to remove them at some point. It is far better for your carpet to ask for professional help. There are many certified carpet cleaners in Islington nowadays. Professional cleaners are trained experts and will handle the problem in a proper way. All you need to do is find a good cleaning company near you.

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