There is no question that women are dramatic.  They often say or do things that they really don’t mean.  Three fourths of the break ups are initiated by women.  But, often they don’t really “mean” to break up.  They are just being their normal drama queen selves.  But, if you react to a break up badly, you may lose your girlfriend forever.  So, here’s how to get ex girlfriend back.

First of all, give her some space.  If you don’t call her, she may call you.  

Give her a chance to learn what life without you is really like.  She may not like staying in on a Saturday night.  She may miss cuddling – or more.  

By maintaining phone silence, you are also letting her know that you can live without her.  She has to decide whether she wants you, because you are prepared to move on.  

This is an important tactic in the how to get ex girlfriend back strategy because you may be dying to make up with her.  Still, you must stay on the program.

Don’t make a dramatic gesture of your own.  Don’t send flowers.  Don’t send a long love letter.  And, don’t stand under her window and sing!

If she hasn’t called you after a week or so, you need to initiate contact.  Email her and casually ask how things are going.  Try to keep things unemotional.  You want to appear to be pursuing a “just friends” strategy.

If this isn’t enough, you may have to step things up.  You can send her a text message, write on her facebook wall, or call her about once a week.  Occasionally show up somewhere she hangs out.  But don’t bug her.  Be prepared to talk to other people.

Make sure that you remember the important dates in her life.  You should always send a card or small gift on her birthday so she knows you are thinking about her during the day that belongs to her.  If you have a meaningful anniversary, you might want to drop her a note telling her what it means to you.  But keep it short and sweet.

If she hasn’t indicated that she’s ready to get back together with you after a month or so, you have to start thinking about the rest of your life.  If you’ve learned that you can live without her, you may just want to look for a new girlfriend.

But if you still want to know how to get ex girlfriend back, you can step things up.

For instance, ask one of her friends out and then call her and ask her what kind of restaurant you should take the friend to on the date.  This will get her thinking about whether she is ready to really let you go.  

At this point, she may just make another dramatic gesture.  She may say that she wants you back on whatever terms you set.  

Most importantly, you should never “stalk” your ex girlfriend.  Think of the song “I’ll Be Watching You” as a guide of things NOT to do.  Being relaxed and casual about the future of your relationship is your best bet.

And, that’s how to get ex girlfriend back.

PS: Learn How You Can Stop Your Break Up, Divorce or Lovers Rejection...Even If Your Situation Seems Hopeless!

PPS: On our Blog you will find other helpful articles.

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