5 Article Writing Techniques you may want to entertain?


Technique #1:


Keep Your Articles Short, however this one is not :-)

Contrary To Popular Belief!
Most people think the longer the article, the better and let me tell you how wrong
I think this is. I understand that some people are outsourcing their articles and
want to feel like they’re getting the most value out of their money by getting 600
and 800 word long articles… However, this is something that I find negatively
affects click through rates.

It’s simple. The goal of your article writing efforts is to get people to read all the
way down to the resource box and then click on a link to your website, right?
Well then, why would you want to make it MORE difficult for your readers to get
all the way down to the resource box by making the article two or three times
longer than it needs to be?
The minimum word requirement for an article to be approved on EzineArticles is
250 words. That’s it! I have found (yes, from personal testing and experience of
course!) that my shorter articles get much better click through rates. How much

Everything I teach you in this report, Is in this article and nothing more! And the
best news is I am going to give you the link to that article! How’s that for a hands on education?

HERE IS The Article:


So keep your articles short and you will notice an increase in your click through rates.


Technique #2:


End Your Paragraphs With A Question?

This is perhaps one of the best “pearls of wisdom” I can give you. If you take a
look at the way I structured the entire section above (Technique #1) you will
notice that I ended every paragraph with a question. Why did I do this?

Simple. It gets you to read DOWN to the next paragraph. If you have a short
article and you also end each paragraph with a question… You will have people
reading down to your resource box every time. Well, at least almost every time.
Now you’re starting to see how I get such amazing click through rates, aren’t
This is the ultimate goal of article marketing… Get your readers to read down
and get to the resource box before they get distracted by one of the text ads that
EzineArticles puts throughout your article and can take money away from you if
you don’t keep them reading!
It takes just a little bit of creativity to think of how to end every paragraph with a
question, but with a little practice you’ll be a master at it in no time. Shall we
move on to the next technique?


Technique #3:


Start Your Resource Box With “ CLICK HERE… ”
This is also a very crucial tip when it comes to increasing your overall CTR of
your articles. I like to start my resource box off with “CLICK HERE To [Insert
Desire Of Your Reader Here] Now!…” – Which basically means that you want to
start the resource box with an “anchor text link” that says “CLICK HERE” and
then give your reader a strong call to action as to why they should click…

For example, if you’re promoting the weight loss niche, you would say
something like: “CLICK HERE To Learn How You Can Start Losing Weight This
Week!” and then continue with the rest of your bio box as you would. I have
noticed that when you have short articles, end your paragraphs with questions
and begin your resource box with “CLICK HERE…” it greatly increases your
overall click through rate! What’s the science behind it? Well, it’s not rocket
science, but it happens to flow much better when you structure your articles like
this since your reader is already in the mode of reading down from paragraph to

Once they finish the final paragraph they continue to read down to your resource
box, where they are confronted with “CLICK HERE To Get What You Want!” and
this usually does it for me. You can experiment with other phrases if you like and
make this technique your own of course. I am just guiding you in the right


Technique #4:


Soft-Sell Your Product In The Article Body
To Pre-Sell The Click
This is something that can take time to develop good skills at, but is not as
important as the other techniques mentioned. If you go back to the
article example I gave you earlier… The article with the 78.6% CTR.
You will notice that I soft-sell the idea of getting a free Apple iPad, which
greatly assists me in getting the “click” at the end of the article, since they are
pre-sold on the concept already. Let me explain…

If you are writing an article and the intention is to promote a weight loss eBook,
you will want to soft-sell the eBook by saying things like:
“The best place to learn how to lose weight fast is on the internet since there is
so much information online that is new, cutting edge and easy to get your hands

This will pre-sell the reader on the idea that purchasing an eBook is a good
thing, since eBooks are on the internet and the internet is the “best place to
learn how to lose weight fast.” Get it? You can even use this in any niche that
involves purchasing something online. You can simply replace “learn how to lose
weight fast” with “The best place to learn how to bla,bla bla is on the

Not only does it presell them on the eBook itself, it also pre-sells the “click” and
by that I mean it gives them more incentive to click on the link in your resource
box when they are pre-sold on something and this will in turn increase your


Technique #5:


Write Your Articles For A Targeted Audience!
This technique may or may not apply to you based on what your article
marketing skill level currently is. However, I still think this is a necessary topic to
cover since I see many article marketers making this mistake every day,
especially beginners.

The mistake I am referring to is the mistake of not targeting the right audience
with their articles and article topics.

For example, I saw a newbie who was promoting a designer handbag website,
but was writing articles in the radiation therapy niche (because he was knowledgeable in this subject)
and then in the resource box he linked to his designer handbag website.

To many of you this may sound hilarious, but it is a reality that many people do
not fully understand how article marketing works. Now, I am not sure how many
people who are interested in reading and learning about radiation therapy are
also interested in purchasing a designer handbag while they are doing their
research… but it is not impossible that he made one or two sales from that

At the same time, it also provides a valuable back link to his website which will
help his search engine rankings so it wasn’t a total waste by any means.

However, you want to make sure your articles and readers are laser targeted –
So if you are promoting a weight loss eBook, write an article related to weight
loss please!

By keeping your articles and resource boxes in the same
subject/category/niche, you are ensuring that the majority of your readers will be
targeted and this will increase your chance of having them click on the link in
your resource box, which will of course, increase your CTR!



If you implement all of the above 5 techniques – especially the first three – in
your article marketing campaigns, you will most definitely see an increase in
your article click through rates and perhaps even your overall profits! Since
clicks = more traffic and more traffic = more money… It’s a win win situation no
matter how you look at it! Now what are you waiting for? Go out there and fix up
your articles and/or write new ones that implement all five of the above
techniques and let me know when you start seeing that huge improvement!
Thanks for reading my report, I hope it has helped inspire you to take action and
start improving your CTR today!


More info on How To Make Money Writing Easy, 350-500 Word Web Articles:

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