Imagine this ...

As a sales person you do not even have to try to through your money away for TV Spots and paper advertising or similar bullshit, you just finance or lease your own TV Studio engine, receiving an immediate return of approx~ 30% of the leased sum (from us)...and the next 2 months the rest, then also You run immediately your own spots locally for 10-12 years FREEE and receive between 50% (for 3 months) afterwards 20-50% of the advertising turnover which is (to be seen in our papers of max. 2.000.000/year for one Street TV Machine until the end ... 11.75 years

=> Your investment in yourself and product, having a daily physically viewer traffic greater than on TV passing your spot anyway 24/7 which with lengths better than on regular advertising models amortizes in max 3 months + the rest is pure profit and can and will increase the aftersales of your product or service by more than 20%/year, even in the hardest times - we have it already tested and documented this since 3 years - 

Sorry for my maybe orthographic mistakes, but I am on 10,000 VOLT :)

 - please read again slowly every word.

If any interested business man or company (arts,fashion,food,media,real-estates,luxury goods, banks, indutry ... any other... use your imagination) wants or is at your hand to skyrocket, then please let me know and after signing the must ncnd, without any obligations, all detailed data will be outhanded in this 21-st century BIG Picture endevour to you.


P.S. Just ask or contact us.
* by the way : we intend even to finance all this 4u and even better, you get paid monthly on your rent and passively big anyway... for FREE - How's that?
Wait: we have some little ---> 5th QUESTION <--- !

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