Your level of success is equal to your belief in yourself along with your level of action.

It may not be easy to achieve your dreams, it may well be a fight and a struggle. As well you're likely to experience rejection. But believing in yourself and fighting for your dreams and goals is a fight you won't regret.

It's time to get out of your routine, get out of your rut, get out of the mediocrity because you were not put on this earth for mediocrity. You were put on this earth to achieve your dreams and goals, now you just have to believe that and take action.

Believe in yourself to achieve great things and to realize your dreams.  It is up to each of us to realize our dreams and goals, unfortunately, too many people live their lives filled with excuses. Excuses are there to allow us to live small.

Quit living small!

Since becoming an Apsense member in November of 2010, I have become associated with many of the members here.  I have had more involvement and connections with some than others. Of these members I see the efforts they put forth in order to achieve their dreams and goals.  I have come to have great respect and admiration for these people and what they stand for.

I really see the following people as those that do not live small, they believe in themselves, they believe in others, they have taken action towards what they believe in, and offer their knowledge and value to others. It is because of people like these that make others lives easier and our ability to build our own businesses a much easier road to take.

I will apologize for the ones that I may not have included as I am sure there are others (as a matter of fact I know there are), that being the case, please add your input in the comments section, so without further adieu and in no particular order:

Andy Zeus Anderson

Nnamdi Agha

Chuck Bartok

Cindy Bolley

Catherine White

Gilberto Cintron

Katrina Oakley

Lonnie Niver

Laura Newton

Michael Hayes

Mark Hodgetts

Neville Dinning

Warren Contreras

Pete Balasch Jr.

Patsy J Payne

Cheryl Baumgartner

Philippe Moisan

Paula van Dun

Roosevelt Evans III

Scott Cloran

Sean North

Toshiba Burton

James Bonham

And last but definitely not least who we all owe thanks for having
the vision of Apsense:

Wincer Song

I think we owe it to each other to check out the profiles of the members listed above and to find out what we can offer them in terms of value and thanks.

List Additions - let me know who should be added, I'll edit and add:

Ginny Williams

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