Living in outerspace

Ho Do we live in outerspace

by Jonathan Renfroe businuss
Jonathan Renfroe Freshman   businuss
Hi to all members.How do we live in outerspace?.what do we need to live in outerspace?.what research is needed for all people to go live in outerspace.for me there is atleast 2 things needed first,reseach on gravity & anti-gravity,those 2 things need to be solved there any company out there doing research.Jonathan
Apr 11th 2011 09:25

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Jonathan Renfroe Freshman   businuss
before any human can live in outerspace,we need to solve gravity & anti-gravity first like i said before.otherwise are bones will turn brittle & break very would think that some company would be close on one of the makes me wounder how long it will take to solve thing.Jonathan
Apr 11th 2011 09:29   
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