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Blast Your Offer To Over 172K Daily Ad by Group Owner
Top performing safelist business. Submit your ad to a very responsive email list. Signup to start!

Do You Want Good Traffic For Your Offer? Take Action & Get Real Results From Your Ads!

by Jason Descheneaux
Jason Descheneaux Magnate II
Highly highly recommended! This system alone got me over 600 referrals for a free advertising offer I promote and made me well over $1000 in commissions.

Start using what works. Register below:

TIP* Just make sure you use it everyday and use a combination of these features. Email ads, Hercublurbs Ads, And TE Ads. If you do this daily you will get results. Send all that traffic to a single offer. Focus your advertising is what I mean!

To lower the daily work, I suggest you grab a gold a yearly gold membership for 40$. That's 50$ off the regular price. Insane offer worth every penny!

55% OFF REGULAR PRICE (Limited time offer)

This membership will allow you to email the entire membership once a day, no credits required, no clicking emails needed . Just take a few minutes to log in and blast your offer compared to a free membership where you can only email 1000 random members daily or you will need to earn keys in order to reach the entire membership everyday.
That's done by viewing email ads. For every email ad you visit, you will get a chance to win a prize. Prize are credits and keys. You can use the credits and keys towards ads. 1 key equals 1 send to the entire list.

If you don't have the money to upgrade yet, that is fine. You can trade your time to grow your business, it's still worth it. Go gold when you can afford it.

More benefits of being upgraded to gold:

- Opt-out from receiving other members emails
- The zone 1:1 exchange ratio instead of 0.5:1
- 50% commissions if you decide to share the services

Create your free account now:
Sep 8th 2021 10:03

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