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Breast Augmentation in Dubai

by Ali Issa Plastic Surgery in Dubai
Ali Issa Junior Plastic Surgery in Dubai
Augmentation mammoplasty or breast augmentation is a procedure designed to increase the size of the breasts for more enhanced body contour. It is an ideal option for women who desire to achieve a pleasing breast profile by increasing breast size and symmetry. The procedure can be useful to achieve the fullness of the breasts and restore the lost volume after pregnancy and breast-feeding. To get the best results from breast augmentation in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, one can take the treatment from an expert plastic surgeon, Dr. Parag Telang, who has years of experience in performing advanced cosmetic procedures.


Contact: +971 43952005, +971 50 235 3882
Address: The DentalSPA Medical and Dental Center, 491b Jumeria Rd - Dubai - United Arab Emirates

Disclaimer:- Content and images on this post are for information purposes only.
Feb 1st 2021 07:51

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