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Listen To Who You Are At Your Core.

by Abdou Sani Boukari Consultant
Abdou Sani Boukari Magnate II   Consultant
It is the most competent and assertive guidance you can get. Following it is where success really lies. You will find no trodden path, but discover one borne out of the projection of your unique, irreplaceable essence unto material reality. This is the most precious contribution you can make to yourself and to the world. Being truly yourself, you will naturally ease into your best possible role on this earth.
Apr 7th 2017 08:59

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Franto Hruz Magnate I Pro   Online Income Systems Development
Nice words of wisdom, but so little relationship to SFI ... there is more value right here ...

=== >

Franto in Toronto\

Apr 7th 2017 22:42   
Abdou Sani Boukari Magnate II   Consultant
@Franto, why do you believe that for you to receive or achieve your success in online business, it must be shown that SFI is worth nothing? Do you think that life is a "zero sum game."? Do you think there is not enough customers Scrutinizing for opportunities on the net and that if a customer is affiliated with a business he can no longer be affiliated with your business?
Please concentrate on looking for clients, not on minimizing the business of others
Apr 8th 2017 07:02   
Franto Hruz Magnate I Pro   Online Income Systems Development
Thanks for your comments.

You are free to reject my interest in trying to understand your way of thinking.

I like to point out to you where you are making faulty connections in the way you perceive the real value of advancing your own personality.

Try to apply your learning ability a bit more constructively by evaluating my input more positively because I am quite sure you will do better letting your nice ideas flow through applied actions which are more in line with these ideas.

I like to see uplift yourself with a bit more self critical analysis so you can gain real momentum in who you are and what you do ... you do have the potential, why not grasp it?
Apr 8th 2017 16:05   
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