Choosing Your Online Options

With so many options to choose from on the internet, it’s a wonder that anyone can get work done. There are different systems that help you grow a business, earn extra money, market your products and services, connect with new people, and learn social media - This can be overwhelming even for the best of us. So what do you do when the choices seems like more than you can handle?

The first step is to just pick one thing at a time and master it. You want to start with one social site and learn how it works. Spend a little time each day learning what you can do for free and what you have to pay for. Here in the social site APSense, you can set up a free account and learn how it works. Each day you can earn points which may be used towards your marketing. Yet you can even market your business products and services here for free without any points.

For example, you can post an update and then share it with your links on Facebook, LinkedIn & twitter. You will need to space some time between your posts so that the system doesn’t think you are just spamming people. Join some groups to help connect with new people too.

With your free account you can connect with 5 new people daily to build your network of connections. If you want to connect faster with people, you can either upgrade or hope that people will request to connect with you when you take a peak at their profile. Gaining new contacts is helpful when you are working to expand your business. But don’t just spam those people. Consider building the relationship instead.

I have found that with so many people here looking to expand their business, it can be a great loss to many of them because they are not working on the relationship. Network marketing is about building relationships. Not everyone will want what you have, but you will never know where those relationships will lead you. Build the relationship first and then seek to help others.

When you offer help to others, you will begin to build a trusting relationship. Creating trust is a bond that will help any business grow. Even if the person you are building a trust bond with is not interested in your product or service, the trust gets extended beyond your circle of influence.
Your circle of influence is those who your trust and those who trust you. When you have a good impact on your circle of influence, things begin to change and solidify.

So take the time to build those relationships - Start by saying more than just “hi” when you go to connect. I have found that there are so many people that don’t take the time to write a proper greeting for connecting with me that I will most likely deny the request to connect. I have so many people requesting to connect with me on a daily basis that I can now pick & chose who I want to connect with and who I want in my circle of trust.

Start off your adventure on the internet by learning one social system at a a time, get to know the people on that system. Build good connections and trust. Then seek to assist. You will find that in time and with consistency, you will grow your business beyond your wildest dreams

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