Nothing's too complicated if you want to learn and start forex trading from home. 

Here are some basic steps to begin. 

When you’re visiting a forex website the first impression is very important. 

To be able to make the righ decision you need to know how safe is the financial institution where your money is stored. 

Make sure - how safe is the managed forex account provider who manages your money ?

Is there capital protection, if yes, how much it is. 

What are the privacy measures and policy. Is there an SSL certification on the website ? 

What costs may arise, for example is there any hidden fees ? 

Is there after-sales charge? (shouldn’t be) if yes, how much does it cost ? 

You need to know how much is success fee as well as what is the yield that remains expectedly? 

These are just some basic tips. Multi-levelled privacy and capital protection must be guaranteed by the bank.

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