Some people are so stuck in their ways that when you suggest something new, they don't even want to listen. They find all sorts of reasons why it can't work, instead of thinking why it can.
They won't believe you unless they see ALL the proof. They are so skeptical that they would rather die of hunger than try a new type of tablet to cure the world of famine. This tablet is small, yet contains all the vitamins, carbohydrates and protein you need for an entire day. You have to swallow it whole and drink 2 glasses of water. You must take it first thing in the morning for it to work properly. It was developed in China. You can survive for 4 months by only taking one a day.
Now this tablet does not exist – yet.
But when it comes out people will die because they are too skeptical to try it.
What about you?
Will you try new things or will you rather stick to the old methods that keep you poor and hungry?
Be open to new things. Test them out. Listen to people's ideas. See the potential, not only the pitfalls. Be open to new opportunities. Don't commit a lot of money to stuff that you are not sure about, but test it out with a small amount first. If it works, put more money in. But try it out.
You never know what positive things may come of it. Click Here Now

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