Many a woman has been turned off by the frequency with which a guy scratches his package, but the truth is that an itchy male organ is something that simply happens sometimes. Where women could use a guide is in knowing what causes the itch and whether there's any reason for her to be concerned about it. In the interest of expanding a woman's understanding of male organ health, the following information can serve as such a guide.

It's natural for it to itch.

An itchy male organ is not at all unnatural (although that doesn't mean that a guy needs to constantly be tugging at it). First off, the member is surrounded by hair, which brings with it a natural itchiness factor. This is compounded by the fact that the organ is kept buried (in most cases) beneath not one but two layers of clothing; this creates a "double oven" effect which generates significant heat. In addition, the firmness that occurs frequently in men (even when not in a specifically sensual situation) causes the manhood to heat up even more.

All that heat can cause some degree of itchiness by itself. More problematic is that the heat creates skin irritation – rashes, dryness, flakiness, bumps, etc. – which all bring with them their own special itchiness issues.

Is it any wonder that so many guys have an itchy male organ?

Other Common causes

Beyond the basic cause of heat, what are some of the other common causes behind an itchy male organ?

- Social diseases. These causes inspire the most concern. Sensually transmitted infections can in some cases express themselves with substantial itching. It's important to make sure that both partners are aware of sensual histories before embarking on a sensual escapade and that proper protection is taken to decrease the possibility of transmitting any social diseases. However, there are many other causes of an itchy male organ besides a social disease, so a person shouldn't leap to a wrong conclusion just because a guy is scratching his boys a lot.

- Yeast infection. Many women are familiar with female yeast infections, but men can have a yeast issue as well. Typically it's referred to as thrush, and it is quite treatable. However, it can be passed on to a partner, so if a male partner has thrush, a female partner may also develop a yeast issue.

- Jock itch. Everyone knows about jock itch and it may be the most common reason guys scratch so much. This is a fungal infection and it, too, can be passed on through direct skin-to-skin contact. Again, a woman whose partner is prone to jock itch may need to get treatment herself.

- Latex allergy. This is fairly rare, but some men are allergic to latex and so develop a rash or other dermatological issue when wearing barrier protection. Using non-latex protection helps to solve this problem and enable a couple to still enjoy safe sensual relations.

- Common skin issues. As mentioned earlier in this article, dryness, flakiness, splotches and other common dermatological issues may arise due to the sensitivity of manhood skin and the heat which typically envelops the organ.

When common dermatological issues cause the itchy male organ, this guide suggests applying a top-notch male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) on a regular basis. Men are good about attending to social diseases, but may be less proactive when dealing with everyday male organ health issues such as these. When a crème containing a high-end emollient like Shea butter and a natural hydrator like vitamin E is regularly applied to the organ skin, it creates a moisture shield that can do wonders for the health of the skin and prevent intense itching. In addition, a crème that includes vitamins with skin-enhancing properties such as vitamins A, B5 and D is going to provide extra protection that can promote general male member well-being.

Visit for additional information on most common manhood health issues, tips on improving member sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.

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