We provide the EDUCATION and TOOLS to explode any business, whether online, offline, networking, or traditional – through leveraging and monetizing the power of social networks.

With exclusive rights to market the Leafit social network, our Members have the ability to bring someone to the company as a FREE Affiliate and STILL make money. Anytime a FREE Affiliate shares a picture on the Leafit network and that Leaf generates a sale, a commission is paid to the FREE Affiliate as well as 9 generations above that Affiliate! With the power of SOCIAL, just imagine how fast your NETWORK will grow and generate eCommerce overrides for YOU!

Here’s a preview of just ONE of our action-packed training modules...

Facebook Marketing

Facebook is not just for baby pictures any more. It has become a powerful business marketing tool. In this course, iGrow University uncovers not only the social networking opportunities for individuals, but how businesses can take a simple networking application and turn it into a massive lead generation and customer communication platform. From custom landing pages to groups to apps and visitor analysis, you'll learn all the ins and outs of this versatile and far-reaching social networking application.

  • Understanding Facebook
  • Getting Started on Facebook
  • Understanding Facebook's Newsfeed Algorithm
  • Integrating Facebook with Other Efforts
  • Bonus: Facebook Analytics
  • Marketing yourself or your business on Facebook
  • Optimization and guidelines for cover photos and avatars
  • Utilizing Facebook apps
  • Highlighting and pinning content
  • Claiming your vanity URL
  • Using Facebook social plugins
  • Data analysis using Facebook's Insights summary

Your Ultimate Online Training Resource

Our cutting-edge training and education platform will set you up for success. We teach you the secrets to grow ANY business online.

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