Often, it’s only when something goes wrong downstairs that a man realizes it’s time to get serious about male organ health. One such moment of realization occurs when a man drops his pants to find his male organ a different color than when he last saw it. A red manhood isn’t necessarily a sign of a serious problem, but it can be. Identifying the cause and finding effective treatment requires making note of any other symptoms that are present, along with potentially relevant behaviors and situational factors that preceded the symptom of redness. The following are common causes to consider:

1) Poor Hygiene: Particularly among uncut men, a lack of proper male organ hygiene can lead to redness, along with swelling, itching and a foul odor. The main culprit here is smegma, the male organ’s natural lubricant that can begin to build up under the sheath and cause male organ irritation. Treatment involves practicing better hygiene, cleaning thoroughly under the sheath every day.

2) Contact Dermatitis (Eczema): This condition is simply a reaction of the skin to an irritant or allergen. If a man develops redness of the male organ after using a new body wash, laundry soap or latex latex barrier (in the instance of latex allergy), for example, then one of these may have caused the discoloration. If contact dermatitis is at the root of the symptom, a man is also likely to experience dry, inflamed skin. Identifying the offending irritant or allergen, then avoiding further contact with it, is the obvious treatment method.  A moisturizing cream may be used to speed up the healing process.

3) Friction: Men who engage in rough play, very frequent intimate contact and/or vigorous self-pleasuring may simply experience redness due to friction. The treatment? Take it easy! Men with frictional redness need to give themselves a little break. If frictional redness is a frequent occurrence, one should consider using more lubrication.

4) Yeast Infection (Thrush/Candidiasis): Although more prevalent among women, men can get yeast infections, too. They’re caused by an overgrowth of the bacteria Candida albicans. In men, yeast infections cause redness around the urethra, as well as a lumpy discharge with a foul odor and pain upon urination. While yeast infections can often be taken care of with over-the-counter antifungal creams, it’s not a bad idea to see a doctor when these symptoms present. That’s because they are also the symptoms of some partner-transmitted infections, which require different forms of treatment.

5) Partner-transmitted infections: A man who has had unprotected contact should consider the possibility that a partner-transmitted infections is at the root of male organ redness. This is especially worth considering if other symptoms are present, such as sores, bumps, painful urination and/or abnormal discharge from the male organ. Treatments for partner-transmitted infections typically include antibiotic and antiviral medications. Regular testing is an important component of male organ health, not to mention overall health.

Keeping the male organ clean, avoiding irritants and practicing safe partner contact are ways to manage and prevent a red manhood. Along with the use of gentle soap, men may wish to supplement their treatment and prevention plans with a male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) specifically designed to moisturize and nourish the skin of the male organ. Good ingredients to seek out in a product are:

- Natural moisturizers, such as vitamin E and Shea butter

- Nutrients that maintain and repair cells, such as alpha lipoic acid, vitamin D and vitamin B5

- Nutrients that improve male function and sensitivity, including acetyl-L-carnitine and vitamin C

Making a few simple changes is usually enough to restore a man’s male organ to its natural color and keep it there.

Visit http://www.man1health.com for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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