I'm sure like most people, you use traffic exchanges to get visitors to your site. This is one great way to really get traffic to your site. However, have you ever pondered why some people have success with this technique and others don't?

The answer is simple. It's because they understand what traffic exchange visitors are and what they are not.

First, What are they not?
Answer: They are not immediate buyers.
Then what are they?
Answer: They are Potential future buyers looking for something interesting.

If you understand it that way, then the only way you can successfully use traffic exchange traffic is to:

1. First Create a special landing page for them. (It is unwise to send them straight to your site's home page.)
2. Offer them something of value for free to entice them to come unto your list.
3. Then they become amenable and you can now Collect their names and email addresses.
4. Meanwhile set your autoresponder ready to follow up with them automatically.

Having done that, you can expect that one day that traffic exchange visitor who was on your site for only 5 seconds will turn into a valuable and reliable customer giving you sale, another sale and another one.

That's the best way to use a Traffic Exchange

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