Where Excuses Go

to Die


My cousin burst into my door and yelped “you got to read this book!”  Nope, nope and nope! My mind and mouth rang in harmony in fact I wanted to dance a little off my own song in my head called the “Nope Nope.”

Watch the Trailer Here!

He began to batter me with how he met this guy from LA and how good the book was…blah, blah blah. He said you have to help me promote it, I looked at the  space on the wall thinking “yeah right” but I knew I wouldn’t get to rest until I said that I would read it.

I read it!

Normally when someone does something odd the book goes away to the unforeseen land of my bottom draw. This guy robbed bookstores in real life! He didn't just rob a few he robbed like 40 or so and never got caught (until he robbed a bank). Now think about this for a moment what type of mind you have to have to rob period but to rob a book store that’s just sick (and funny). "I can see it now hand over all your books with all the fancy words in them!"


Where Excuses Go to Die - Middle Class to the Depths


He goes from a middle class life to a prison atmosphere like you have never heard before. I can’t give the story away. I fought this read with no luck! This guy intelligently spit in the eye of gangs officers and I think in some way I got poked fun at as a reader!

If you can’t enjoy this book you my friend should never read again! If you have kids and they are getting out of control a bit have them read this and watch ‘em pull the parachute to being on the straight and narrow.

Know of a troubled family member or friend who is in the prison system this book will give you eyes into their world which will give you a solid idea to help them come out possible a better person. Heck, you may even purchase this page turner and give it to them tell them it comes from someone who has been inside some of the worst prisons in the world.



Where Excuses Go to Die – the Title that Moves you


The title can’t help but move you when you think about it. If this man can go into prison with the mindset that he wasn’t going come out hopeless and give up. If you bother reading it, you will see that he defied the odds each day to grow into a better man.

Every time you think of an excuse that involves making your life better you will think back to this book and shush the noise to be the better person you are meant to be…I encourage you to read this book and share it with others if you will...so the world can have no more excuses for not doing better. This book won’t save the world but if it can give a spark to many, why not try it?


Check it out here if now if not for yourself give it someone who excuses thrive within!

A few reviews from Amazon:


*This book came out of left field and really floored me. The stories that unfold in these pages are a revelation. It's a totally different take on what I thought prison life was all about. It had irreverent humor, poignant moments of familial shame and abandonment coupled with a father's love turned to action.


*Offbeat and surprising first-hand view of the prison system and maturing of a young man who learned valuable life lessons in a way not experienced by most. Very enjoyable.


* I liked this book very much. It’s so much more than just a jail story. I wouldn’t necessarily say I’m even a fan of the prison genre, but when I look back over the past few years I see that I have read more than a few so maybe for me it falls under morbid curiosity of the place.
This book took me deeper behind bars than any of the others I’d read, but somehow still managed to be funny, sad, and even hopeful. If you’re looking for a cautionary tale of what not to do with your life in your twenties, this is it.

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