Business between fear and greed

How to become a successful entrepreneur in 20 and how to turn a small dealing center into international project with 31 branch office worldwide?

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how did your Forex path start?
-I was 17 years old. I just finished school and entered institute and... I came across invitation to attend free education lessons on Forex. I visited them. Never before I haв anything to do with economics, finance or moreover with stock market trading. A very good lecturer described perspectives in colours. I came home and told my mother about everything, but she couldn’t advise me for the field was new for her as well. Internet forums and blogs and books came to help, and while my friends partied in clubs, I read. The range of literature is vast, but I would like to note two books. “Reminiscences of a Stock Operator” by Edwin Lefevre and “Market wizards” by J. Schwager. They communicate the spirit of our business pretty accurately.

And what about the institute?
- The irony is that at times when you should attend the studies the markets are the most active. So, I suspended my studies and kept on developing in trading...

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