I love to share ideas...it has been very hard lately because of projects I personally have and working with people here one on one. I had one plan here and that is to blab...tell everything I know and talk about the things I don't.

I share ideas that won't work for everyone but it has worked for me...so if someone has constructive criticism lay it out but try to help others in the process is all I ask. There are many ways to get to a destination but if you cause people to stop moving then what good is your words?

OK, when I first started in the IM business I started with a group of older people from Detroit area to Toledo...there was 175 of us now there are 5.

We came up with the idea that every person who bought something from us either directly or affiliate of some sort we would give them an option to allow us to work for them to get at least the money they spent back.

So if someone bought a pair of $50 shoes through our affiliate link then we would tell them let us work for you and show you how to get that $50 back. On the history of this more than 45% say yes....this becomes our list.

So we would write articles, do videos and much more promoting other people links. At the same time training them to do the same.

Why did we do this? Because older people don't do junk, fake or leave people with a bad impression of the internet business wise. They instilled in me to do it the right way. Now throughout time I have my own set of stupid....but the foundation is set.

So think about this...you and I are promoting the same offer but here is your promotion:

"Hi, sign up for my magic offer and you will make big money for sure"

No one signs up so your result to:

"Sign up for this please, please!"

Maybe you get a few but then you get angry:

"People here don't want to make money, anyhow...they are too stupid!"

The few people you did get to sign up have nothing to show you didn't help them just abandoned them.

My way:

"Hey, how are you doing?"  as the respond  " Oh sorry you haven't made money, what have you tried so far?"  as they have explained things that have happened to them good or bad, I assure them that there is hope and I will do what I can to get them over the hump.

The person now sees they are not in a fight alone. I know who they are...you don't...I know what they have done and their weaknesses...you don't....I really care....and you....

Who's team do you think someone will ride on...

I have bought properties and sold them with my team...bought investment cars and sold them with my team...I have shared the bulk of the profits with my team.

What do you do with yours?

I don't have time to edit this now but bare with me I will...for any errors.

P.S.- notice how there isn't any promo links or websites?

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