Bitbillions Projects 

Overview of GBBG Bitbillions

The Lead up To A Fantastic FREE Bitcoin Business Opportunity!


What scared Bill Gates into retirement? The next $1 TRILLIONindustry!

Would YOU like to profit from this ONCE-IN-A-LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY?

Revolutionary Technology

Things are about to change faster than most people realize.
Do YOU want to be ahead of the curve and positioned for MASSIVE WEALTH?

Our Head is in the Clouds
Peer-to-peer, Cryptography, Cloud computing. Are you ready for a TIDAL WAVE of EARNINGS?

Disruptive Forces

Exciting, NEW protocols are about to disrupt industries and bring down corporate giants. Do you want to be part of a GLOBAL REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH

Over 13,000 people already joined!


No monthly fees.
No purchase requirements.

No cash obligation.

We Need You!

We are about to launch incredible services using powerfully disruptive technology and we need YOU to help us spread the word.

We Will Pay You!

Get paid for using incredible software

Get paid to test amazing technology

Get paid for telling others

People all over the world will be rushing to buy our products and pay for our services, and YOU will be LAUGHING ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK!


Communication Devices & Software

Entertainment Gadgets & Mobile Apps

Business & Financial Tools

We are building incredible systems that will impact many aspects of daily life. Due to the cut-throat nature of the competitive industries we will affect, we will disclose our systems only to our members at times when they are near-market ready.

Comp Plan

We are a technology venture. We are not the latest, greatest vitamin craze. Instead, we are a group of technical engineers and entrepreneurial solutionists involved in the development and creation of many technology products. Over time, we will introduce many products and services that will generate revenue for the organization.

This revenue will then be distributed to our members through our unique Matrix Marketing system.

Members will share in these revenues through 3 Earnings Channels.
To Learn More & to Register please CLICK HERE 

Join Bitbillions - It`s FREE!

Bitbillions, Win your Dream Car, CLICK HERE

Bitbillions, BitFeud, CLICK HERE 

Bitbillions, TrackMyUR, CLICK HERE 

Get your Free Wallet so we can pay you:

Coinbase Bitcoin Wallet:


If you could have any automobile you desired, what would it be?

* Are pickup trucks your thing?
* Would you prefer to cruise to work every day in your high-end sports car?
* Have you always dreamed you had the latest,greatest SUV. Or is a peaceful, elegant, luxury car your fancy?

Can you click a mouse? Then DREAM BIG because you can win YOUR DREAM CAR - It`s FREE!

Registration & Pre-Launch Stage

We are registering members at this time.
Hurry and tell your friends about this site! Very soon you can be earning BITCOINS for referring others.

Very soon you will be earning drawing entries to win your DREAM CAR! CLICK HERE 

If you could have any automobile you desired, what would it be? Do you love classic cars? Are pickup trucks your thing?

Would you prefer to cruise to work every day in your high-end sports car? Have you always dreamed you had the latest,

greatest SUV. Or is a peaceful, elegant, luxury car your fancy?

Can you click a mouse? Then DREAM BIG because you can win YOUR DREAM CAR  CLICK HERE 

How does this work?

Sign into your account and see a page of advertisements

Click ANY advertisement

Receive entries into drawings to win your DREAM CAR

It really is that easy. If you can click on ads, you can get entries to win your DREAM CAR. In addition, you will get Points that you can exchange for Bitcoins. You can visit the ad page and click ads as often as you wish.

There is NO LIMIT to the number of entries and points you can get every day!

What does this cost? NOTHING!
It is 100% FREE! 

Carpe Diem,


Founding member, Bitbillions

About Me


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