Hello everyone,

My name is Philippe Moisan. I am a regular member of APSense, just like you. I am not an admin, I am not part of management. I just take things to heart because I love the site and I like to help people take advantage of all its numerous features.

The reason I'm writing this article is to clarify a few things. I'm not the APSense policeman. Sometimes, you will see me comment in threads for articles, RevPages or question threads, telling everyone to report a member who posted a comment in that thread that was not some form of abuse, such as posting a link, or writing something unrelated to the thread. These are not ok, because you are trying to steal the spotlight from the author's efforts. Especially if the author created a campaign to have many members see the content. He spent credits doing that, and you might have claimed the credits.

Can I ask you not to click repeatedly on an ad we see at the top? I know, you want to get the 8 credits or more to create your own campaigns. But claiming the credits of the same ad repeatedly has the result of the content not being seen by more members. It would be really cool if you respected that.

Coming back to the comments I write to report an abuse, can I ask you to do the same? I could click the "report" link and be done with it, without writing that I did report the abuse. The reason I write those comments is to make everyone aware that it's ok to report those abuses, and even better to do it publicly. Don't worry, it won't damage your reputation. Maybe some people won't appreciate seeing you do that, but think about it. These people are probably spammers themselves, and you don't really want to build relationships with them in the first place, it would be a waste of time.

Also, if you see adult content such as pictures of girls not dressed very much, or content talking about escorts, please report these members using the "Contact Us" form at the bottom of the page. Bringing attention to these unwanted pieces of content to the APSense owne will have him delete those accounts immediately.

Another thing I want to mention is how to brand yourself solidly at APSense. I suggest 3 things:
  • Create Experiences and Resources in your profile
  • Write content such as articles and RevPages, and use the Ask Question feature to help us by giving business or marketing tips.
  • Share what you like as much as possible, using the share buttons we see just about everywhere, to share to Twitter, Facebook, StumbleUpon, and the numerous sites and networks you'll see by clicking the + share button. Especially click the "Share on APSense" button to make the people connected with you at APSense see it on your news feed.

Doing these things I suggest in the article will help all of us make APSense a solid business community.

The video below shows you how to use the "Contact Us" form.

If there are features of APSense you are not familiar with, you can click here to go to my Be Proactive Now blog and see the many video tutorials I did about APSense. On the site, you'll also find video tutorials about Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, how to create videos, and many more topics.

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