To do this task you need to turn your house in to a spa. To do so you need to do some preparation. We can predict this thing when we will apply massage or spa kona we need different types of ingredients and if we are running to get them during work, so it doesn’t seems good. In that situation we need to pre planned all these things such as arrangement of the tables and some other things that we needed during massage.

1.       Use your room like a bedroom and arrange the tables which you need during massage and spa treatments. For this purpose you need lot of space this is why use your living area for this work.

2.       Clear the area in the middle of the room and lay out the chairs in the middle for each your friend.

3.       Put a fluffy towel on the back of your chair and this thing you have to do for each one of your friend. Put one eye mask too on each chair. You could even towel personalize with your friend’s name. These all things are coming in preparation that you have to do previously.

4.       Now keep a pink washing up bowl at the bottom of each chair and you can get it from pound land. Now fill this bowl with warm water and put a drop of aromatic oil in this water.

5.       After you have done this, next take two more bowls per person and place them next to the washing up bowl and fill this again with warm water.

6.       Now whip some homemade facemasks together and lay those out on a table, and you can experiment with oats; and fruits; and honey.

7.       Lay out all your nail varnishes on the separate table.

8.       You can do some spa decorations and play some calm music and create the perfect atmosphere for your spa party.

9.       When your friends arrive show them to their seats and have them soak their feet in the washing up bowls whilst cooling eyes masks.

10.   Give them face masks and apply cucumber on their face and get them to splash their face with cold water and party it dry.

11.   After their hands soak then choose a polish and paint their nails and their spa experience is complete.

12.   After fifteen minutes remove the face mask from your friends face and get then to splash their face with cold water and pat it dry.

13.   Now finish the part in style by making your own smoothie, making your own lip-gloss or having a before and after photo shoot.

14.   When you have finished your spa party after that you should ask to everyone his experience that what they felt about that you should take their personal review and improve your performance according to that review and try to keep in mind all that review and make improvement in your party next time.

Mobile massage in kona Chiropractor, Acupuncturist, Etheticians, Energy and Intuitive Practitioners, and others can help you set up a healing experience just for you, oceanfront spa in kona for visit:

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