Video Genesis Video 3

Hey Readers,

If you got my last email on Video Genesis, then by now

you have seen some cool videos from Andy Jenkins and

Mike Filsaime.


(If you haven’t don’t worry, everything is all right here.)


But things just gotten even cooler, if you can imagine.

While you and I wait for the doors to open on July 9th,

Andy and Mike are giving away what might be the

coolest little Gem of this whole cool series.


Andy and Mike just Leaked A Cool PDF.
(It was to be part of the course, but now it is yours Free.)


It is a Mind Map of EVERY Type of Marketing Video
AND every type of Audio and Video Equipment you
will need to use with each Style of Video.


(Most you already own.)


Do you know all 13 Styles of Video?


A Better Question is my friend.


Do you know:



“What style of video to use for different landing pages?”


“What style of video NOT to use for certain landing pages?”


Do you know when a Doodle video converts best?


When to use an Ugly Sales letter and when “not” to use one?



I can go on and on, but that is what the Leaked Mind Map does.


Now, if you also love the “crazy” (Cray Cray) antics these guys
are doing and you want more fun while you learn, check out
The Spartan vs Pulp Fiction knee-slapper in this video as well,
it is hard to miss.



Hidalgo Jones

Video Genesis Specialist





Andy couldn’t just let you have a Mind Map. No that was not

good enough. The message had to be “Bossy” so make sure to

watch The “Trailer” at the end. It’s a hoot!


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