undefinedWhen you are a surfer I am sure you have seen TE-JV in promotions of several types, in the surfbar, splashes and banners and the jv partner pages rotating in many TEs. However there are trillions of websites that promise great traffic so I understand if you, despite the fact that the service is very visible, have not joined it

  undefinedWhy not download this free PDF e-book that explains the features and how you can benefit the most if you become a member. You will see the program provides plenty possibilities to earn traffic even if you decide to remain a free member.

Special note for TE owners: you can file a request to become a JV Partner. 

   undefinedThe E-book is written by Brian Jones who does not only own TE-JV but also Ventrino, one of the leading traffic exchange scripts.

What the e-book does not tell you is that Brian loves stats and tracking. This makes his recommendations both inside TE-JV and the E-book founded.

Although I understand the importance of analyzing stats its not my cup of tea really so this recommendations are quite convenient for me. And one of the reasons besides the great traffic why I like TE-JV so much. Both TE-JV and the TE-JV guide are MUGged at the SBT Mug themed downlinebuilder.  

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