Toxic load
Toxic chemicals, both naturally occurring and man-made, often get into the human body. We may inhale them, swallow them in contaminated food or water, or in some cases, absorb them through skin. A woman who is pregnant may pass them to her developing fetus through the placenta. The term refers to the total amount of these chemicals that are present in the human body at a given point in time. Sometimes it is also useful to consider the toxic load of a specific, single chemical, like, for example, lead, mercury, or dioxin. Some chemicals or their breakdown products (metabolites) lodge in our bodies for only a short while before being excreted, but continuous exposure to such chemicals can create a "persistent" toxic load. Arsenic, for example, is mostly excreted within 72 hours of exposure.
Other chemicals, however, are not readily excreted and can remain for years in our blood, adipose (fat) tissue, semen, muscle, bone, brain tissue, or other organs. Chlorinated
Pesticides, such as DDT, can remain in the body for 50 years. Whether chemicals are quickly passing through or are stored in our bodies, toxic load testing can reveal to us an individual's unique chemical load and can highlight the kinds of chemicals we are exposed to as we live out each day of our lives. Of the approximately 80,000 chemicals that are used in the India, we do not know how many can become a part of our chemical toxic load, but we do know that several hundred of these chemicals have been measured in people's bodies around the world.

All humans carry this chemical toxic load?
Scientists estimate that everyone alive today carries within her or his body at least 700 Contaminants, most of which have not been well studied .This is true whether we live in a rural or isolated area, in the middle of a large city, or near an industrialized area. Because many chemicals have the ability to attach to dust particles and/or catch air and water currents and travel far from where they are produced or used, the globe is bathed in a chemical soup. Our bodies have no alternative but to absorb these chemicals and sometimes store them for long periods of time. Whether we live in Satara or San Diego all our bodies are receptacles for a multitude of industrial chemicals.

84 Toxins found in Human Body:
1. Acesulfame K 
2. Acetone 
3. Acetaldehyde 
4. Alcohol 
5. Alkyl-phenol Ethoxylades 
6. Alpha Hydroxy Acid 
7. Aluminum 
8. Ammonium Glycolate 
9. Ammonium Persulfate 
10. Aspartame 
11. Bentonite (Clay) 
12. Benzene 
13. Benzoic Acid 
14. Benzoic / Benzyl / Benzene 
15. BHA – BHT 
16. Bronopol 
17. Butylparaben 
18. Carboxymethylcellulose 
19. Coal Tar Dyes 
20. Cocamidopropyl Betaine 
21. Coumarin 
22. D&C Yellow 11 
23. DEA: Diethanolamine 24 DDT 
24. Ethylacrylate 
25. Hydroabietyl Alcohol 
26. Cosmetics 
27. NDEA 
28. Alithrine (Mosquito repalent) 
29. Diacetyl 
30. Dibutyl phthalate (DBP) 
31. Dimethicone 
32. Disodium EDTA 
33. Elastin 
34. Fluoride 
35. Formaldehyde 
36. Fragrances (Synthetic) 
37. Glycolic Acid 
38. GMO/Genetically Modified Organism 
39. High Fructose Corn Syrup/HFCS 
40. Hydrogenated/Partially Hydrogenated Oils 
41. Hydroquinone 
42. Hydroxymethylcellulose 
43. Isobutylparaben 
44. Isopropyl Alcohol 
45. Kajoic Acid 
46. Kaolin (Clay) 
47. Lacquer 
48. Lanolin 
49. Lye 
50. Magnesium Stearate 
51. Methylisothiazoline, or MIT 
52. Mineral Oil 
53. Monosodium Glutamate/MSG 
54. Neotame 
55. Nitrate – Nitrite 
56. Nitrosamines 
57. Olestra 
58. Paraffin 
59. PEG Stearates 
60. PEG 
61. PEG-12 Distearate 
62. PEG-80 Sorbitan Laurate 
63. Petroleum 
64. Phenoxyethanol 
65. Phthalates 
66. Polyethylene Glycol /PEG 
67. Polypropylene 
68. Polyquaternium-7 
69. Potassium Bromate 
70. Propylene Glycol 
71. Propylparaben 
72. Quaternium-7, 15, 31, 60 etc. 
73. Sodium Chloride 
74. Sodium Hydroxymethylglycinate 
75. Sodium Nitrite 
76. Shampoo 
77. SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulphate) 
78. SLES (Sodium Laureth Sulfate) 
79. Stearalkonium Chloride 
80. Sulfites 
81. Talc 
82. Toluene 
83. Triclosan 
84. Zinc Stearate


10 Signs You Need a Detox

You've done the reading and research and you understand what a Detox is all about but there's something that still rings in your mind. How do you know you know if a body cleanse is actually something you need. The good news is you don't need a doctor or guru to tell you if you're toxic. 
There some easy indicators that you can pick up on for yourself that will suggest the overall health of your body and its toxicity levels. 

1. Achy muscles and/or joints. Often a byproduct of dehydration, aches in muscles or joints mean the muscle tissue and fibers are not getting the nutrition they need, and are often overloaded with unnecessary chemicals or “nutrients.” 

2. Frequent headaches. Another dehydration signal and one associated with improper diet and exercise. Headaches arise from problems in the blood-flow to the brain. If there is a high level of toxic residue in your blood stream, it can cause frequent headaches. This can also happen as a side effect when you body cleanse. If you've ever had a caffeine addiction, you're familiar with the headaches that arise from a sudden change in the blood stream chemicals, or lack thereof. 

3. Low energy or frequently being tired. Your body's vitality affects your mood and motivation levels. When the body is busy trying to deal with an overload of foreign it tends to pull back toxins, on the abundance of life energy you are normally afforded. A whole body cleanse can free up the body to give you more zest for your day instead of slaving away processing chemicals for you. 

4. Frequent colds or sickness. In a similar vein, a highly toxic bloodstream often results in a reduction of immune system agents that protect you from disease and foreign germs. When your body is fighting to process toxins, it doesn't have as many free resources to defend against invading agents. 

5. Coughs or a sore throat. Mucus is a byproduct of toxic residue that accumulates in your breathing pathways. An over-abundance of such residue can result in frequent coughing or sore throats. Smoke-related pollutants are notorious for this effect. 

6. Runny nose or nasal/sinus congestion. Many sinus problems are related to overall body chemistry. Allergies and atmospheric pressure are only components of a larger sinus balance in your system. If you're toxic, meaning out of balance, your sinuses will let you know. 

7. Dense or yellow urine. You've surely noticed a discoloration or varying coloration in your own urine. If not, you should check. The more yellow or cloudy your urine is, the more contaminants and pollutants are being expelled from your body. This means it's time to take it easy and let things clear up. You'll know when they have because the color will begin to get clearer. 

8. Irregular, painful, or messy bowel movements. Another touchy subject for some, but you can't deny the overall digestive process we humans go through when we eat to survive. If your digestive system is clogged up with toxins that it can't process fast enough, it will malfunction. If you have these bowel symptoms, it is sometimes best to perform a total cleanse to clear up the contamination. 

9. Acne or oily skin. Your pores are a key part of the body cleanse process, allowing toxins from your bloodstream to seep out through your skin. This gets them out of the body where they just cause problems. However, if this is happening in excess, as happens at adolescence when the body is dealing with a whole new set of hormones and chemical agents in the blood, it may mean you are overly toxic and could use a detox. 

10. Lack of food enjoyment or taste. This one is a it less obvious but a major factor. If you notice that regular and healthy foods aren't satisfying your hunger, it may mean you have formed a dependency or addiction to the toxins you get from other, less healthy sources. If you drink coffee for a morning jolt, but the caffeine is having less and less of an effect, then you're reached a critical mass of caffeine in your bloodstream and it is having a reduced effect. To compensate, perform a body cleanse to rid your body of caffeine (and your dependency on it) for a while. Then, when/if you return to it, it will be a fresh stimulant to the body once again. All of these symptoms are influential in self-diagnosing a toxic system. Pay attention to the signals your body is sending. It is a perfectly-balanced instrument capable of complete auto-pilot in the health department but you can easily throw it off-balance with poor choices. Let your symptoms guide you to the root problems, which can often be taken care of with DETOX to get you back on track with a healthy, fresh, clean start.











Herbal Detoxification 

















Normal Adults:
Take 2 capsules of Cap. Detox at night with a glass of water.
In disease condition:
2 Cap. Detox 3 times in a day with glass of water.
In HIV Patients:
4 Cap. Detox 4 times in a day with glass of water. 
In normal children:
From 11 to 16 years 1 Cap. Detox at night with a glass of water. 

Cap. Detox is Desired Strength liver corrective aim to provide therapeutic benefits in Liver diseases and disorders.
Optimal Concentration:
Cap. Detox provides different vital herbs in optimal concentration required to provide complete benefits to restore the liver function parameters, to Check degeneration and promote regeneration of liver cells. 
Cap. Detox is providing better components, in more synergistic form so as to provide the optimal benefits of the herbs. It is proved that the action of herb always enhances in presence of the other synergistic herbs. 
Cap. Detox helps to restore the liver functioning by providing multidimensional approach by showing anti-viral, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, immuno-modulator, choleratic and anti-cholestatic activity. 
Unlike synthetic molecules those are having untoward effects (e.g. silymarin), Cap. Detox is completely safe. 

Side Effects:

Not to be used in Pregnant and nursing mothers, Children below 10 years. 
Adverse effects:
No adverse effects are reported.
Drug interactions:
No drug reaction with allopathic,homeopathic,or unani medicines.

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