Things have been great lately in my life,..well that is until my fiancee got seriously injured. I am writing this from the ICU :( 

I got the writing job that I was hoping to get and that will be almost $3000! Actually, once completed I will have earned $2270,....for a total of 65000 words, I get paid per each article submitted from 100 to 4000 words each, I have to wrote about (3) three 4000 word articles a week about a very different topic then I usually write (not a problem writing about the topic, just need to be in a creative frame of mind and I am not right now)

I am at a lose as to what I am going to do about supporting my family now. I need help. Does anyone have any ideas? We are desperate. I need all the suggestions I can get. The state cant help for another 30 days, and he will be better but it will be about 5 months before he can go to work again. He is making nervous right now,..his oxygen keeps dropping to 80 and his respiratory rate keeps going to 4....

I am so lost right now, I hope he hurries up and get better, at least get him out of ICU into a regular room,..then home. As for money I have,

We have no car,..things have got to get better and fast. Please, does anyone have any ideas,..besides state aid, and disability,....