Many girls dump their boyfriends and don’t give any real reason.  They have the urge to purge and drop their lover without him doing anything to her.  Sometimes they want to get back together right away, but other times, they move on leaving you to hold the bag.  This article will discuss how to get over girl.

First of all, you should understand that you are not alone.  Most men fear being dumped by a serious lover than being rejected in the early stages of dating.  This is because the bonds men form with the women they are dating are important to them.  Sometimes it seems that the men see them as more important than the women do despite all of the literature directed toward women about relationships.

To get over girl, you need to stop adoring her.  Don’t put her up on a pedestal like some kind of Greek Goddess.  She has feet of clay which she exposed by dumping you when you did nothing wrong.

Don’t hold on to past memories of her.  Get rid of the photos and momentos in your home that remind you of her.  If you have some of her “stuff” get rid of it or give it back to her.

If you have entangled finances, sort them out so you can move on.  This includes both joint banking accounts and settling debts you owe each other.

Don’t allow her to occupy the space in your mind that she had when you were together.  She is part of the past and you have to live in the present and the future.

Close out all contact with your ex.  Don’t call her “just to chat” or allow her to continue to email or text you.  Instead, tell her that she called it quits and you want to start a new life without her in it.

This may make her want to pursue you even harder.  Women are crazy that way.  They want what they can’t have.  If you are open to restarting the relationship, you can allow this communication to go on.  But, if you want to start the healing process, she should be a persona non gratis in your life.

Don’t be afraid to express your feelings.  Sometimes writing in a journal or writing music is sufficient.  Other times, you’ll need a shoulder to lean on.  If the situation is severe, consider getting short term counseling.

Finally, don’t mope around the house.  Get back into the game.  While you may not be ready to start dating again, you should go to the gym, play basketball with your buddies and go to a bar from time to time.  Don’t stick around the house because you are too sad to go out.

If you have the opportunity to go out on a casual date, take advantage of it.  Show the girl a good time, even if you’re not really that in to her.  You will be more ready for a real relationship if you’ve kept up your dating skills.  

That is how to get over girl.

PS: Learn How You Can Stop Your Break Up, Divorce or Lovers Rejection...Even If Your Situation Seems Hopeless!

PPS: On our Blog you will find other helpful articles.

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