Light is a very significant element in our lives. It signifies peace, purity, goodness, and hope. Without the light, our eyes meant nothing. What good will they do if all we can see is an ocean of nothingness? We are given eyes to see by Our Creator so we can enjoy the beauty of nature He created for us. He even made the stars and the moon to light up the skies at night and the sun during the day.

Presently, we don't have to depend our lighting sources in the celestial bodies or torches anymore. There are other options such as the incandescent lamps, florescent lamps,   halogen lamps and LED lamps to name a few. These lights are either powered by electricity or chemicals. They are invented and innovated by lighting designers to meet our lighting needs.

Some of these innovations include voice recognition to control the lighting in a room.  With voice recognition, all they have to do is record or program a phrase or a sentence to either to switch off or on the lights. Some modern homes and business establishments  have their design lighting with voice recognition. However, this technology costs an arm and a leg.

Another innovation of lighting fixtures is the dimming control. Dimmers are used to change the voltage of your lamps. With dimmers you can set the amount of light in a room to create the mood you want. It is perfect for homes and commercial establishments too. 

But then again, lighting fixtures need not to be expensive. With our current economy it is not practical to spend so much for something we can get at a low price. CFL or compact fluorescent lamps emits the same amount of light as the the incandescent light. It uses less energy or electricity. Moreover, it is earth friendly.

It is amazing how lighting technology change over the years. It doesn't matter if you have the state of the art type of lighting fixtures or not. The most important thing is that there is light to brighten up your room, garden, streets, or commercial establishments anytime.

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