Does worry lines crisscross your face because of receding hairline? Nanofibres offer hope. Nanogen when applied on hair scalp just by simply shaking the container over the thinning area releases thousands of microscopic color-matched hair fibres that intertwine and branch off as natural existing hairs. They bond along the hair fibres securely remaining in place all day even during strong winds and rain. It does not stain or smear and can be easily being washed off with shampoo for hair loss.

Nanogen’s Nanofibres have been tested soaked in water overnight without the dye running thanks to the dye locking system which locks the dye in.

Hair loss medication and hair loss treatment are the two main course of action open to stem hair loss. Medication is long term solution using creams and other preparations while hair loss treatment seeks to replace lost hair with donor hair from other parts of the scalp.

Hair replacement is removing individual follicles and implanting them in the receipt area: the follicles take root and then fall out, leaving the root behind. That root grows as a natural hair. On the other hand, hair loss medication seeks to offer an alternative to mild cases of hair thinning and loss.

Hair medication can be classified in into three basic classes. Two man-made, as they both contain artificially synthesized compounds that inhibit the production of DHT – a testosterone related hormone that causes progressive baldness. The compounds they contain (in one case, a compound called finasteride) slow down the production of DHT, which can dramatically reduce or even stop the thinning. In some cases, uses of these compounds (usually presented as a cream or medicated shampoo) have even shown re-growth of hair after the DHT production has been halted.

The third is hair loss medication which is a diet rich in vitamins, minerals and so on. These play a major role in maintaining the health and strength of hair as researches have proved that often malnutrition can be a cause for hair loss.

So, which is better hair loss medication or hair loss treatment? It depends on individual preference. A woman, for example, experiencing the rare but existing female equivalent of male pattern baldness, might well be best suited opting for proper operative hair replacement – because baldness in women creates severe emotional distress. A man experiencing receding hair and thinning of the hair might want to try the medication route before he opts for surgery – which is more expensive and painful. However a doctor’s advice is needed as usually hair loss medication works a lot better today than it ever did before.

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