Do you Make Money?

Is it real?  Of course it's real but do jump out of the bed in the morning with a smile before you even look at the numbers?

OK, here is the real test - does your family and friends tell you to give up or beg you to show them how?

If it's the first something is definitely wrong! Please continue to read it can't hurt, I think it will put you in a better spot. If it's the later then stop reading you have you way and don't tinker with what’s working.

Let me get started by telling you a short story. In my highlight moment of poverty a friend and I rented a raggedy building which we started a hand car wash. We worked hard and made enough to pay bills only.

When we had a break in the day, I would sit down and relax he would write songs. I thought it was a waste but had to support him plus he left me alone to rest.

Certain things were certain in my life at the time. I breathe, work hard, barely eat and pay bills and he write (stupid) songs.

He wasn't doing it he would just stare at the wall!

This was alarming to me so after a week I asked him what’s going on. And the best thing that may have ever happened to me was his response. "I want this car" he said.

I thought whew, at least he's not sick or something. He began telling me how he was thinking about the car he was getting. He began describing every detail down to the wires *See It* on the car (not sick maybe crazy).

I told him he was dreaming but he continued until I was caught up. I start to see his vision and even said "we should have a lent trap on the side of the seat by the door". He would *Write It* our ideas.

And we talked about it to everyone *Say It* even called car ads. People would latch on to what I thought was our dream but it really was "his".

When the feeling in me started to wear down it was just even more fire in him. So one day he hired someone without asking me to replace him. He took money we didn't have and made flyers passing them out everywhere.

He handed them to some cab drivers that he knew and they came *Do It*! A bigger cab company saw how clean their rival’s cars were that they had us sign a contract to only wash their cabs.

I left right after, joined my internet family but always remember that moment. There was no way! He did it.

A few years afterward I looked outside. Then grabbed my jacket, got in, rode along the water for about a hour. Came home got out walked in the house with a smile. We never spoke one word in fact when I left the car wash I never spoke to him since. 

My name should still be as part owner on that car wash but I seen my own reality (dream). So I went for it.

And how did he know where I lived?

I could go into more details of how to get there but then this would be a book. I hope this helped you in some way. I will continue this topic later.

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