I have to stop think about what it truly takes to change your financial future. What has to be done to be wealthy. I have determined that it is a combination of a few things. You must be driven to succeed. if you are not eager to get there then it will never happen. You must set goals for yourself. Never think that just because you said so will make something happen. You must keep a level and positive way of thinking. Negativity can set anyone up for failure. 

To gain true wealth you cannot be afraid to fail. However, you must be able to get up and try again and learn from your mistakes. Some people in this world have a theory that the rich are rich because they are suppose to be and the poor are that way because they are suppose to be. The real reason that the situations go the way they do in"my opinion" is because in some cases certain cards were already in place for certain people.

For example, a child that is born into a wealthy family is more than likely going to have the funds to do whatever it is they want. While a child that was born into a working class or even poverty stricken family they are not so lucky. 

In our troubled economic times I have the following mindset. I will do a few things. One is to learn as much as possible to create an income for my family. Two teach my children to do the same because whether we know it or not. The financial strain that most of us face today is far from over. So with the right programs and a little effort on your part. All of us whether employed,underemployed, or full time hard workers better start thinking of other ways to change our situation. the cost will continue to rise and their is nothing we can do about it  except make more money.

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