Wealth Creation Alliance Affiliate Pay Plan

Our revenue share program is designed to pay everyone who purchases banner and text impressions from WCA. Whether you recruit or not, you can receive a portion of the retail profit pool generated by our fast growing system. Below is how our Pay Plan works!

You may or may not be aware that a new phenomenon has been occurring online over the last 2 years or so that has completely transformed how people from all walks of life make money online. People with literally ZERO online experience, and who’ve made ZERO money online, have learned to make money online.

But here’s the best part… ANYONE can profit with this business model, WITHOUT SELLING ANYTHING, & WITHOUT RECRUITING A SINGLE PERSON INTO THE BUSINESS! Active affiliates can earn as much as 50% or more every month on their advertising/impressions purchases buy allowing the accumulated share volume (which is nearly the same as cash).

Now Wealth Creation Alliance has taken the already proven concept, applied all the upside potential, supercharged it, and now have simplified it even further. You will receive a fully functional marketing system that you will be able to use to market your WCA business or any other business you may have. This comes with video e-mail tracking, auto-responders, ebooks, broadcasting capabilities, text notifications and much much more...

Our Profit Pool Sharing Program

The nice thing about WCA that differs from the rest of the other companies, we feel instead of running a high profit margin of 85% that companies like this make, it would be in our best interest to share the wealth with ALL of the active affiliates in our system. Quite frankly, what we decide to do with our profits is our business and by giving them back to the active affiliates makes more sense. Not bad huh?

Our goal is to make the average business owner successful by giving them the tools and the knowledge to become successful. Our company profits go into a Global Profit Pool which will be shared with all the active affiliates who purchases advertising banners and text impression! They will automatically earn a percentage of these company profits depending on their participation level. Again, to earn in the profit pool, you do not need to recruit a single person into the business… but if you do, you can exponentially increase your earnings by getting bigger percentage in the profit pool.

This is how it works: you purchase “advertising banner impressions” by using them to promote your business. For every ad share you use, you qualify to earn a percentage of our global profit pool.

Note: You can always earn your direct commissions whether or not you purchase any advertising impressions percentage. You can then use your commission you have made to buy advertising impressions percentages and qualify in our profit pool! All you really need to know at this point is that the more money you earn, and the better you do with the company, the more income opportunities you’ll have with Wealth Creation Alliance.

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