Even though my main focus is getting customers to my Sarongs4U store, I would say just as important is focusing on building a large list of subscribers I can market other products to. Building a list is vital. List building should be one of the main areas you should focus on.

Look at these statistics:

5,000,000 people searched for information on "How to make money."

1,500,000 people searched for information on "Ways to make money"

823,000 people searched for information on "How to make money online" and How can I make money online."

450,000 people searched for information on "Making money online."

368,000 people searched for information on "Earn money online."

201,000 people searched for information on "Make money on Internet."

For these few keyword phrases, about 8 million people were searching for ways to make money online. 

What if you could promote your program to 10%, 5% or even 1% of these people. Think you could quit your day job? Of course you could. 

But how can you reach even half of the people looking for ways to make money online? Well, you may not be able to reach half or even a third, but you can start. How, by building your own list of subscribers, one by one. Think it would take years to build a list of 1000s. Not if you're working as hard as you are now trying to make a buck.

Follow these steps to get started.
1.  Register you an Internet Marketing related domain name, which will cost less than $12 per year.
2.  Create a hosting account 
3.  Create an autoresponder account 

Once you have followed the 3 steps above, you'll be well on your way to becoming successful. To help you get started, I strongly recommend this FREE program. You can build your list and earn a commission in the process. 


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