There are ways to get your site on Google for free. But you have to follow a very important process in order for you to get yourself some playing time with Google. Now before we begin I want to start out by talking about the Panda rules and some other updated news that will help you with this process. 

As far as Panda is concerned, let me nip it in the bud right now. All you need to know about Panda is the fact that Google is cracking down on some really silly marketers out there who are using duplicate non-informative content on the internet. As a result of this, you are going to need to keep things really simple when it comes to content. What this means is that you will need to make sure of the following: 

  1. You have original content
  2. You have keywords that are associated with the content
  3. And you have links that are relevant to your content
This is basically all you need to do in order to keep yourself relevant in the search engines. With the Panda changes, people's sites have dropped in the search engines dramatically or nothing changed at all. Either way, you will need to make sure that you stick to the book from this point on. 
Google has basically made things very easy for the little guys!

Now If you are going to get your content out there on Google for free, you will need to do this: 

  • Create A List Of Keywords
This is the most important because you are going to take the keywords and rank each article or piece of content on all the keywords you have listed. You will need to create a list of at least 10 keywords for each content generation campaign. The best way that you are going to rank on Google is with good keyword research and with good content dealing with these keywords. 

  • Generating Content
This is another key component to advertising on Google for free. You will need to keep generating content on your website regardless if you are paying for traffic or not. You do not  want to get left behind because you are putting out a bunch of content that isn't relevant to what you are trying to accomplish. 

Now when you take the 10 keywords or so from your keyword list and add them to your content, you will need to organize your keywords into the content very smoothly so that you can show up on multiple keywords through article post or through one blog post.You will also want to do this when you are submitting content on social bookmarking sites and social networking sites. 

When you generate content on your website or blog, it will show up in the search engines, depending on your keyword research as well as the ranking of your website. You will be better off supporting your keywords by getting a little link juice to website via or some other social bookmarking to help your chances of ranking high in the search engines for free.

  • Very Important! Metatags
Please don't skip your meta tags. this is the most important part of your advertising on Google. If you are going to rank high on the search engines, you will need to make sure that you are using your tags. 

Trust me I know! I was one of those guys who just got lazy and skipped the tagging. Don't skip any tags at all. If you can, fit all 10 of your keywords into the tags. If you can only do a couple, then just do a couple of keywords on the tags section. This will help you rank on multiple keywords without having to go through too much of the hassle of writing content for each keyword individually. This is way too time consuming. You are better off rotating your keywords on each piece of content you generate on your site, article directories and blogs. 

Now in conclusion, you will need to be sure to follow these simple steps in order to officially advertise on Google for free. Never ever pay for adwords if you are able to manage your content and your website efficiently. 

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