Are you an offline marketer? 

If you are, you are helping offline businesses get online, or helping them to use online tools to drive traffic to their site with the ultimate goal of getting new Gilberto Cintron, Viral, Local, Social & Mobile Marketingcustomers. Do you realize that people got rich helping local business get ranked high in the search engine? The problem was that these rankings where for Arizona or Georgia, or maybe even Australia yet the business was a local dentist in Hoboken, NJ. No one was focusing on what we today call Local SEO (local search engine optimization). 

What good is it to be ranked number one in Italy if your business is a hair salon in Harlem? None, what so ever. The goal must be to master local SEO, for yourself or your clients. Unless you are an international conglomerate, you should be focusing in the micro, IE, locally. And there are so many tools and services that can make this a snitch. Its just that many do not think outside of the box so they repeat what they have been doing all the while expecting different results. 

Local SEO uses the same basic principal s of SEO. Targeted words throughout your pages, long tail key works, anchor text links, correctly using the H tags, (H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, H7) making sure to include an alt title within your images, etc. The only difference, and it is a big difference, is that you narrow the optimization down. Whereas before one may have worked to rank for "Dentist" today you would try to rank for "New York Dentist" or even better for "Queens New York City Dentist".

As I stated above, with so many tools available there is no reason why you can not help a local business rank high in his/her neighborhood and capitalize on foot traffic. After all, 90% of all humans carry a computer with them these days, they are called mobile devices. Be it a mobile phone, or some type of tablet, just about everyone have one of these.The next question is are your sites mobile optimized?

I'll leave that for my next article. Time for me to go to my local store and get some donuts. I received a txt message that the local shop is having a 2 for 1 sale. See you next time.

If you want some free tips on local SEO, and or help building a local lead generating site, take our free 5 day training course. 

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