No, they are certainly not.

Although there are only about 4 different TE scripts that are used by most TE's there are big differences. Some are simple, other have plug-ins for personal splashes, downline builder pages, games, team surf, etcetera.

The are TE's with very short timers like 6 seconds (which i personally do not consider a good thing) and timers of 30 seconds and everything in between. Some have only a few programs in the downline builder, others have many. And some have none.

There are TE's with social features like a profile page, personal bar with your social sites and many TE's have the possibility to surf and chat. You can make nice contacts while surfing. On the other hand is distracts from the site viewed at that moment. I am not sure yet if I like it or not.

My own TE Surf-Bar-Traffic that is running on the Ventrino script offers as many others too, banner ads and text ads plus a code to display these on other sites and blogs, members earn extra credits for doing so. Since I own other domains as well I did put up the codes there thus giving our members ads exposure to people that are not using traffic exchanges. This makes SBT suited to promote other things than traffic and marketing related services and products.

As much as there are differences in TE's, there is an equal differentiation in TE owners. Some are very active as in organizing contests and JV surfs, give training and tips while others do basically nothing, not even responding to tickets or approve sites once a month or so. Lately there is a flood of new Traffic Exchanges; many of those won't last long in my opinion since there are many where the settings are wrong with the result that people hardly need to surf there. They will become ghost towns.

There are hundreds of traffic exchanges. Some well know where practically everybody is a member of but there are also a lot of less famous TE's that really have nice features and with which I have good results. sometimes even better than with the famous ones.

So which one to choose? The best thing is to try some for a while. Join it, explore all tools and features, track your results. And evaluate after a while. However regardless which TE's you choose, you should pick one to funnel your traffic. You can learn more about traffic funneling in the members area of surf-bar-traffic

Although there are still not listed you can find a lot of TE's in the TE directory.

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