Blogging is the phenomenon in the internet arena. In fact many of the blogsites have been in proliferation and ready for access to everybody. There are blogsites that are provided in the arena with a corresponding fee from individuals who desire to start blogging but there are also a plethora of websites that offer blogging tools for free. One of the online application where blogging can be obtained free of charge are online social networking software.


Recently, blogging has been found to mark a useful tool to business promotions. Many have been using blog tools not only to express their daily views, opinions, and journal of their life but they are also used to serve as link to their business websites or e-commerce sites. Indeed, using blogs for this purpose has been effective enough that this has lead to many resorting to using free blogs such as the use of their social networking blog tools.


The Blog in your Social Networking Website

Most of the online social networking software provides blogging as part of the features to easily communicate with people around the world. As these sites are the sanctuary of many people that are linked from one colleague to another, blogging became a very essential tool so everyone would know what you have been up to.

Essentially, the blog that came with the social networking website provides you opportunity to express your thoughts and let everyone on your network of friends know of your thoughts. You might also set the blog to allow visitors to comment on them.


Generally, people love reading blogs of others. And because frequent visitors grace the blog sites, this makes it the perfect location of the web to let readers inform of certain business advertisements. Hence, many blog pages from social networking web sites have been graced with many links leading to other websites where most cater in e-commerce aspect.

So, if you want to turn your online social networking site into an advertising page for your business, make sure that you maintain your blog. Using blog as marketing medium provides advantageous points than any other marketing strategies. These are:


• Blogging is relatively an inexpensive way to advertise your services or products. Because most are offered free, you only need to post informative and entertaining posts so people will be attracted to visit your page and come back often once you got their attention.


• Another advantage of using blogging for the business is that the ease with which maintain it and you would only need to update it regularly.


• The fact that more readers are more attracted and inclined to visit pages with substance, meaning with information and facts that would entertain them, than any other e-commerce websites blogging is currently the most ideal way to advertise businesses.


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