At the pharmacy, one is sure to find a section of medicines promising allergy relief. Sprays, pills, lozenges, creams, you name it; it’s available. An allergy is a hypersensitivity disorder of the immune system. An allergic reaction occurs when an individual’s immune system reacts to substances in the environment that are normally harmless. People often seek relief through medications when they develop sneezing, a runny nose, dry, red, itchy eyes, and/or sinus pressure and congestion. It may seem as if seeking allergy relief and alleviating sinus problems are two separate missions, but Patrick Quillin, PhD,RD,CNS understands the connection. When people have allergies to things in their environment, this sensitivity causes swelling inside of the nose. This irritation, along with a fungal infection, can lead to a sinus infection. Quillin’s relief system keeps this sinus connection in mind. He advertises his sinus cleanser on His strategy is to provide allergy relief and sinus health restoration by cleaning the nasal passageways with a liquid sinus cleanser.

     Many people who have used this product, claim that they can breathe better and have allergy relief within days. The product not only includes a saline solution but also homeopathic anti-fungal of wild indigo, oregano, grapefruit seed extract. By cleansing the nasal passages of pollen, dust, debris, pollutants, and other irritants, the sinus rinse provides allergy relief, and ameliorates congestion, pain, and pressure. It is a homeopathic remedy that is gentle yet effective. One customer said, "My doctor would try giving me all different medications that did not work or I would have a reaction to them. Within 2 days of using Sinus Cleanser I could tell a difference. It’s been 2 months now and I can breathe 100% better. Thank you! This product is truly a blessing." Another called it a “miracle in a bottle”. When it comes to getting allergy relief it might be necessary to think beyond the traditional treatment method involving antihistamines.  Consider using the sinus cleanser from year round to keep the sinuses healthy. This could lessen the need for allergy relief later in the year. Be proactive. People suffering from episodes of seasonal allergies do not need to wait until they have symptoms to use the sinus rinse. It can be used daily to either alleviate allergy symptoms or prevent them proactively. is the site to visit for people seeking allergy relief. Health is our most precious commodity. Without it, nothing else seems to matter. With health, you put more life in your years and more years in your life. We are here to help you with that complex but essential process of nurturing your health. . A healthy human body is self-regulating and self-repairing. Through a healthy lifestyle and properly formulated products, you can make your body more efficient at this vital process of self-regulation and self-repairing by adopting natural remedies for allergies. This is a simple yet incredibly powerful concept. Since 1993 our mission statement has been: "Providing the highest quality health products and information to the world." If you are well and want to prevent illness, or if you have lost your health and want to regain it; let's become partners in Getting Healthier!

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