Have you ever felt that not enough time?
As you "do not know how many" per capita?
As you have too much to do and you do not know what to start?
As you do not know what terms?
Did it ever happened and move on to realize that not
You've done nothing?
As you sat all day on e-mail, telephone,
messenger, facebook, hi5, television?
Perhaps you've used
all at once, with "satisfaction" that are "multi
tasking "and look how many you can.

But with all this multitasking, anything you do not finish like never before! Your mind is full of worries, questions, problems and dilemmas!
That's because ...
We live in an era of Virsa infected multitasking!
We are not multitasking! When you start
work otherwise, you cage!
This means:


In this short article talking about productivity - rules
I had been strictly enforced.

To get rid of multitasking equates with being productive.
Only one person can begin productive:

earn money
be healthy
have success in
be implinta
to be effective
be happy

So you should start to be productive. To be productive means
to fulfill the desire and purpose of your life! Being productive
means to be organziat, to plan and prioritize a bit.
Before I give you the formula, one I talk about Pareto's Law 80/20.

80/20 rule describes the fact that almost any problem, "little" (20%) are vital and "crowd" (80%) represents the trivial.
Pareto Principle (80/20 Rule) should remind us all day to focus 20% of our time and energy on the 80% of our achievements. Do not just work smart, work smart, but to really important things.
The rules that follow are inspired by Eben
Pagan, books of meditation (Osho), management and marketing.
Action Plan:

Write on a sheet of paper, everything you have in mind - for writing
15 minutes.

If you do exercise you will be horrified by what you see on that road.

Select the items that depend on you, you can achieve.
Exclude items which are not in your sphere of action (to be
President of the USA for example, to make a million dollars
next 5 minutes, etc.).
Cut them and give them consciously.
From this list, select five points on which to focus.
These five points should be prioritized.
You focus on them during the next period of time (1-3 years)

Plan your week based on these points, so you know
every day what to do.
Example planning staff of the day

- Breakfast
- Running 20 minutes
- Round
- Answer e-mails (after answering e-mails you no longer check
than two days)
- Phone calls, talking on the phone
- Writing blog post
- Lunch
- Read a few chapters of Book X
- Evening walk
etc ...

Warning! Doing one thing at once. I focus on one thing. If I talk on the phone and I give and e-mails, I would check the site and do not know when I would get triple! If we add the messenger ...
Do not allow anyone to interrupt my time. Any small deviation can give everything upside down. Now, we realize realize three days in a month before!

Other rules:

- Clean up / order in the house / room / where you work
- Only the objects you work on your desk (it turned out that having an office
clean and tidy, with only "work objects" productivity increases
- Clean up your desktop! I mean the windows dekstop! you're just there
icons that you need (I am 10 icons)
-Organize your folders them, bookmark sites, etc.
-When you work online, you just open the tabs, windows
subject line of your business! (NOT: three windows of
messenger, e-mail client, youtube, facebook, hi5 and I know why)
-Plan everything (phone, meetings, discussions on messenger
Response to e-mails, etc.)

Follow these secrets and you will see amazing changes. Since I follow this ritual, these steps in place to realize four things
one day, now I realize 20!
The secret of productivity is the focus! Just concentrate on the step now and then the next.
Do not focus on the following three steps, or what you will do tomorrow.
Everything happens now!
Remember: There is no "I have time, there just" do not prioritize, "" I do not
do time "let me carry the water, and this only leads to losses.
Take responsibility for your life and take control
you can!

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