As I travel the internet I see a lot of mistakes people make that I made as a complete newbie that can be fixed with just a little common sense. We can all fall victim to these common Marketing mistakes if we're not careful. We can all fall victim to working hard at doing nothing. We're all busy, but busy at doing what? are you guilty of working like a dog and spinning your wheels? I've been there and done that and its not fun to spend half the day working hard at doing nothing believing you're making headway and being at a stand-still. Below are a few tips I've learned that may help you if you're one of these people.


1. Don't insult people's intelligence


2. Don't make outlandish claims that you can't possibly back up


3. Don't believe everything you hear no matter what the source, check it out for yourself.


4. Give people a choice, don't use automatic video and audio


5. Use analytics, what's the use of Marketing if you have no clue what's working?


6. Make sure you're Marketing in your niche Market, don't try to sell a Steak to a Vegetarian.


7. Give free information and make yourself available to help people.


8. Learn to listen.


9. Be as transparent as possible, its easier to remember the truth.


10. Be consistent, people do notice and appreciate consistency.


11. Jump on the learning curve early and stop procrastinating.


12. Learn that what works for someone else may not work for you, people have different skill levels and deeper pockets.


When you're serious about getting conversions and are looking to go in another direction with your SEO efforts and have it in your budget, feel free to take a look at this powerful SEO site. Its from a good source and I did my own due diligence on it as well. They're also giving you a free 2 week trial with no obligations or credit card info. If you've been around the block for awhile you'll know what you're looking at.

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