I had come to Apsense twice or so but its look didn't interest me at all not the way it currently look. I was just experiencing my first title as Internet Marketer and so I was looking for somewhere to exercise, learn and connect with like-minded individuals.

On my third visited/trip to Apsense, I composed myself and joined. I wasn't familiar with the site though immediately I confirmed my account, two friends who I had known elsewhere where also here. They welcomed me well.

I didn't bother to learn anything about Apsense but proceeded with my first article. The reason because my daily mission for that day was to create an article and a revpage. I posted these in my first article:

  • First some introduction information about how to make money online.
  • Earn money to refer a friend.
  • Earn free money for life
  • Get paid to click sites/ads.
  • Make money to connect, socialize and make more friends.
  • And many more other stuffs, I conclude with please contact me.

One person who is now my greatest friends commented on my article and said.

"Malok,this is not how we work here." 

I read the comment and interpret it the other way round. I wanted to go somewhere and leave this site full of critics of whatever but decided to give it another try in my next post.

I created a revpage on REO, foreclosure listing.....this time I got this product from Clickbank. This same person came again and wrote,

"I can't believe this.You have done a good job Malok."

Words of Johann Wolfgang who once said, "Our work is the presentation of our capabilities" were descending in my mind. I didn't want to put myself on the negatives just because of this person.

I read it several times over trying to contemplate what these all mean. Not to mention my other 'bad' comments in others' articles, revpages etc. I told myself that I should see what these people wanted me to do and what they do as well.

Maybe you just joined Apsense or any other site which is new to you; you find people doing you the followings:

  • Refusing your profile photos, articles, videos etc.
  • Declining your request to join a campaign.
  • Maybe you posted something e.g. Comment and people reject it as content unrelated.
  • You post your own 'good' thing and are reported for spam or abuse if not forgiven or unseen by moderators.

Well, there might be some people in that situation but I would like to assure you that, it is not that you are unwelcome or whatever reason but you need to learn how things are done at various places you go. (Be like Romans). Moreover, be ready to accept  corrections. Solomon once said that a wise man is always ready for corrections but a "........" one is satisfied with ignorance.

I believe none of us here is like that and that is why you read up to this far and not an ignorant one who would just read the title and storm away to do more. 

There are only two ways to be successful and this what Will Rogers said, 'A man only learns in two ways,one by reading and the other by association with smarter people."

Appreciate the fact that you are associated with smarter people at Apsense and accept corrections and you will find Apsense working in your favor. I highly encourage and recommend those who are new here to read articles, revpages, join newbie groups or contact people who can help you find your way round here.

Good luck.

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