You've probably heard of the change Google made at the end of February, about 6 weeks ago.

They decided to slap what they call content farms, i.e. sites that have a high volume of content of questionable quality.

6 weeks later, are you aware of changes in your results ?

I tried to get some information about what it means for us marketers.

Popular article directories such as EzineArticles and ArticlesBase have been impacted. EzineArticles has changed its requirement for the number of words, they now ask for 400 words minimum, in order for the articles to get back to the top of search engine results. They also take longer to decide if a submission deserves ti be published.

I guess sites like Triond and Bukisa, where many members write VERY short articles most of the time, they will make less money with AdSense in the long run. Unless they decide to get serious too.

According to this article here at International Business Times, eHow was not affected. That article has very interesting information about Google's change. Bear in mind the article is a month old, so the information might not be totally reliable.

Here's an awesome blog post by Mark Dulisse that talks about Google's change and what to do to get traffic to your site using Social Media and SEO. There are very instructive videos in the blog post.

Let us know if you have any insights or information to share on Google's algorithm change.

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