Occasionally, MultiPure's Customer Service Department
get a call from a customer who says that the water out
of their MultiPure system is cloudy but the water from
their tap  is not.  Their question is Why?
The answer?  Bubbles!  Customers should rest assured
that the water out of their MultiPure is perfectly
filtered.  The unit, filter, faucet, etc. are working
properly.  The bubbles are caused by the increased
pressure of the water due to cold weather and the
smaller outlet of our faucet.   If a customer leaves the
glass of water the on the counter for a few minutes, the
bubbles will disappear.

Question: The hot and cold water from our kitchen sink
sometimes comes out very cloudy. If we leave the water
in the container, it then clears up quickly and the
cloudiness disappears. Should we be using this water,
even after it turns clear?

  • Cloudy water, also known as white water, is
  • caused by air bubbles in the water. It is completely
  • harmless.
  • It usually happens when it is very cold outside because
  • the solubility of air in water increases as water pressure increases and / or water temperature decreases.
  • Cold water holds more air than warm water.
  • In the winter, water travels from the reservoir which is
  • very cold and warms up during its travel to your tap.
  • The air that is present is no longer soluble, and comes out of solution.
  • In addition, once water from our reservoir enters the
  • transmission and distribution pipes, the water is pressurized.
  • Water under pressure holds more air than water that is not pressurized.
  • Once the water comes out of your tap, the water is no longer under pressure and the air comes out of solution as bubbles (similar to a carbonated soft drink).
  • The best thing to do is let it sit in an open container
  • until the bubbles naturally disappear.
You are still privileged to take up this product offer
 for a limited time offer which ends
 March 31, 2011

MultiPure is pleased to offer you the opportunity to
receive a Shower Filter (49.95 value) for FREE when
you purchase any MultiPure drinking water system.
When an order is placed for a Drinking Water System,
make sure to select the gift below
and pay the $8 Shipping and Handling Fee.

Always @ MultiPure.com


Information quoted from: MultiPure.com

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