Computer is an electornic machine, which takes input, process it and give us a desire output.

Comuter is an electronic data processing machine which takes the input, stores the data in its memory then process it with the help of Arithmetic

Logic Unit (A.L.U) under the supervision of Control Unit (C.U) and then give us the output according to the instructions (Program).


The word computer is derived from a Latin word " Computer" which means to count or to calculate. The computer is an extension of human mind which can perform several tasks with a great speed. Computers are just like a dumb servant who cannot take any decision by itself they only do what they are told to do so



Data processing often referred as D.P. Data Processing is a process of collecting the data together and converting the data into information. The method used for collecting the data may be manual, mechanical.


Data processing is a term mostly associated with business and commercial work. Since computers are being ased in the processing of data the term "data processing" may also be used.


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