Watch this video. I cried for 20 minutes the first time I seen it.


Plastic is destroying our planet. Get involved. You can help by reducing your plastic consumtion and recycling your plastic.

Did you know that just 1 plastic water bottle takes 1000 years to bio-degrade?


Captain Charles Moore Founder of Algalita Marine Research Foundation is quoted as saying

"If you eliminate the scourge of bottled water, you'll be eliminating one of the biggest problems facing our environment"


In 1999 we did a survey and found 6 times as much plastic as plankton. In 2008 we went back and did the exact same survey and found 46 as much plastic as plankton

Our trash is filling up the ocean turning it in to a plastic soup and those plastic particles are poison pills for the millions and millions of fish and invertible eating it.


Bottled water may have a place in disaster relief  but there are issues around bottled water that make it unsuitable for regular use and those issues need to be emphasised because bottled water is becoming a big contaminant of our environment.




If you drink bottled water, please consider purchasing a water filter instead. You will be saving up to 12,000 plastic bottles from ending up in our oceans or landfills every year!

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