Network market1ng hotshots often tell their downl1nes, "You have to change. You have to get out there and se1l. If you want to be successful, you have to change and get good at sell1ng."


The truth is, YOU are perfect just like you are. Everybody on your team is perfect just like they are. They don't need to change. They don't need to become a pushy, aggressive salesperson.

Ninety-two per-cent of the world's population is sa1es resistant. You don't like to be sold. You walk into a store, looking for shoes. You want to look around, pick out what YOU want. You don't want some clerk coming around, telling you they have a sa1e on such & such a shoe. You want to shop & buy what YOU want. Maybe you'll ask for a clerk, once you've decided what you want.


It's really just a small group in network market1ng who tell the others that they have to change, they have to become this pushy, aggressive salesperson, make a list of friends & family and go puke all over them, and force them into the bus1ness.


This doesn't work. People won't do it. What works is to have a tested, proven system that brings a steady stream of interested prospects who want to talk with you.
And to build your own big income in M-L-M, the people you sponsor will need that same constant stream of hot prospects.

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