I'm sure that there are four credit thieves asking themselves that question this very second.  You see I have a campaign running right now and it is tempting to the credit thieves.  And the credit thieves have been sidling around and coming in to try to grab some but...SURPRISE!!!!!!

You didn't get them did you?  Instead you got nothing,  You submission was DE-CLINED!

If you have not done a campaign recently yes, you now have the power to DE-CLINE the credit thieves submissions and send them home boo-hooing along their merry little way empty handed.
*You can DE-CLINE  them for posting unrelated content.  You know those comments that have nothing to do with your campaign.
*You can DE-CLINE them for posting unintelligible junk like "??????????????????????????" and "ding ding ding ding".
*You can DE-CLINE them for advertising either with or with out a link.
*You can DE-CLINE them for for plagiarizing your post or anyone else's.

I will put this last reason for declining in a category all to itself and say you can decline them for failing to meet your task's requirement.  I treat this one much differently and I actually do have respect for these people because they are NOT credit thieves, they simply failed to satisfactorily meet the requirements for some reason or another.

But for the credit thieves who are responding to the paid to task campaigns in one of the first for ways-
The bar is closed. 
The well has run dry.
The unlimited source of credits for your dishonest and unethical stealing of credits has come to an end.  
And I get a perverse little thrill every time one of you sticks your hand in the cookie jar and I slam it closed on your fingers with the power of....DECLINE SUBMISSION!

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